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Selkirk Loop 2023

  • Arrival
  • 7/11/2023
  • Departure
  • 7/24/2023
  • Ride Director
  • Clarice Sackett
  • Ride Co-Director
  • Sylvia Williamson
  • Driver
  • Kate Gordon
  • Starting Location
  • Spokane, WA
  • Finishing Location
  • Spokane, WA
  • Estimated Cost †
  • $2865
  • Deposit
  • $1500
  • Number of Riders
  • 24 (min. 18 /max. 24)
  • Space Available
  • 0
  • No. of Pending Riders
  • 0

Ride Rating

2C  Warning - Read the Description Carefully

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† Explanation of BAC Ride Fee – This fee is not included in the Estimated Cost and is non-refundable once submitted. The Ride Fee for US and Canada is $85 and $100 for all other countries, both are per participant.

Ride Description

OVERVIEW: If you enjoy nature and like beautiful scenery, this ride is for you.  We head north from Spokane, Washington, through the far northeast rural corner of Washington State into British Columbia, passing through dense green forests, along pristine rivers, sparkling blue lakes, over mountains, passing by ski areas and mountain biking slopes.  To return, we cycle south, via big lake country of the Idaho Panhandle. Roads have light traffic and we’ll be on a few bike paths as well.  This is an iconic route, traveled by many cyclists.  BAC members have enjoyed this route on six trips from 2004 through 2022.  

Much of the land along this scenic byway corridor is National Forest, National Wildlife Refuge, Wildlife Management area and Provincial Park.  Highlights include a rest day in Nelson, BC, (the eco-organic recreation center of this area), a rest day in beautiful Sandpoint, Idaho on Lake Pend Oreille where we will have a boat cruise on the lake and hear about the catastrophic geological event of the ice-age Missoula Floods which created the landscape of central Washington and Willamette valley, Oregon.  There will be a chance to visit the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge near Bonners Ferry, (a major migratory bird stop).  We end our trip cycling from Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, on a cycling path along the Spokane river, to Spokane.  The trip is about 520 miles and about 24,000 vertical feet over 11 cycling days.

This trip crosses the US/Canadian border and all riders must have a current passport or other documents sufficient to cross the border into Canada and then re-enter the US.  The route has been ridden by the leader some years ago and by a BAC group in 2022.  Limited scouting will be done by the leader by car in 2022.  

COVID PRECAUTIONS:  All participants must be fully vaccinated and be prepared to present vaccination documentation for viewing by Ride Leader if requested.   At the time of proposing this trip, it is impossible to know what Covid requirements will be in place, but we will follow any required Covid-related practices in Washington State, Idaho and/or in Canada.


Day 1 Arrive in Spokane for a late afternoon meeting and group dinner

Day 2 – Spokane WA to Priest River, Idaho 63 miles and 2800 feet

Day 3 –Priest River, ID to Ione WA   55 miles 1517 feet

Day 4 – Ione WA to Nelson BC  65 miles and 3700 feet

Day 5 – rest day in Nelson BC

Day 6 – Nelson BC to New Denver BC  62 miles 3940 feet

Day 7 – New Denver BC to Kaslo BC  31 miles 2507 feet

Day 8 – Kaslo BC to Balfour BC  21 miles 1928 feet

Day 9 – Balfour BC to Creston BC  50 miles 3121 feet

Day 10 – Creston BC to Bonners Ferry ID  43 miles 1803 feet

Day 11 – Bonners Ferry ID to Sandpoint ID  47 miles and 1600 feet

Day 12 – rest day in Sandpoint

Day 13 – Sandpoint ID to Coeur d’Alene ID 58 miles 1411 feet

Day 14 – Coeur d’Alene ID to Spokane WA 35 miles 641 feet    Depart for home

RIDE RATING: This tour is rated a 2C.  The daily average distance is 47 miles, a B rating, but 6 days are at or above the B rating limit of 50 miles.  Some of the routes are rural without commercial establishments easily available and riders need to be able to carry adequate water and lunch.  Our longest day, Day 4, crosses into Canada and at the border, the cyclists need to meet as a group to cross the border with the van (as the Canadian border agents want luggage and owners of the luggage together for their inspection purposes).  Our steepest continuous climb will be 1.5 miles, up to 9% gradient,  after disembarking a ferry across Kootenay Lake. 

This is a relatively remote area with generally light traffic.  Roads are in good condition and are used mostly by logging and other trucks who are generally courteous and accustomed to cyclists.  Riding into and out of the larger towns, we’ll be on some bike paths, but may encounter heavier traffic.  On two days, there are 2 to 4 mile stretches of gravel on hard packed roads. 

WEATHER: The weather on the Selkirk Loop is variable.  July and August are the hottest, driest months but despite that statement, the high temperature in Nelson BC in July 2021 was 75 degrees F and the average in the mid-60s.  There were 7 days with rainfall in July in 2021.  We will be cycling near lakes and rivers which keeps temperatures lower.  In the mountains, rain or cold weather is always possible and riders should be prepared for extremes of heat or cold.  Rain gear is essential in the Pacific NW.  

LODGING AND MEALS: Hotels will be varied, with some beautiful lakeside hotels, some chain hotels and a few “rustic” rural hotels.  On night 3, in Ione, WA, we will fill the entire hotel (and the entire town most likely) and solos will have a roommate for that night.  There will be breakfast some mornings  and three group dinners provided.  Lunches during the day are on your own.  A happy hour will be held every evening with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as light munchies.  The trip includes 13 nights lodgings.  During the best weather and peak season (July), hotel costs are high and with rising costs overall, we have budgeted an amount that we expect to cover higher hotel costs as well as higher van rental cost and gasoline cost.  Because of this, the cost of the trip has increased over 2019 and 2022 and the solo supplement is considerable.

LOGISTICS: Spokane has a major airport, “GEG”, served by major airlines.  If you drive to Spokane, we will have parking available .  Our first night’s hotel is in downtown Spokane, however, and we will help drivers shuttle their vehicles to the parking location.  On the last day, we will cycle to the hotel where we began our trip and disband.   Riders can book an extra night if they prefer not to begin travelling home.  We will assist with shuttling riders back to the parking area to obtain cars or cycling there is an option.

We will have a luggage transport van.  Be aware you will be lifting and loading your own bag onto the van.  We recommend you pack as lightly as possible and consider two smaller suitcases rather than one that is too heavy for you to lift.  In some locations, you may have an upstairs room and may need to carry your bag upstairs, as several of the “rustic” hotels do not have an elevator.   The van’s primary role is to transport luggage and supplies.  Riders are expected to complete the ride each day as the van does not function as a “sag” vehicle.  The van will assist in cases of emergency.  Riders need to be able to change a flat tire and handle minor mechanical issues on the road.  Please note that cell phone coverage can be spotty in the mountains. 

Our trip begins with an afternoon meeting at 5 pm, July 11, 2023 at our first night’s hotel.  The leaders are not aware of any bicycle rental opportunities.  Tandems and/or Ebikes are welcome, but riders should discuss this with the leaders prior to being accepted on the ride.  Ebikes may not have batteries sufficient to cover one day’s ride and an Ebike rider should consider this and carry an extra battery if needed.  

Ridewithgps files will be available prior to the ride for riders to download onto their navigation devices.  It is expected that riders will know how to use their navigation devices.    Riders should carry a paper cue sheet/map in case their navigation device fails.  Riders should print out from ridewithgps paper copies prior to the trip.


First payment of  $1500 as well as $50 club fee, due upon sign up.

Second payment of  $1365 due by Feb 1, 2023.

Solo supplement of  $1375 due by Feb 1, 2023 and paid by check, made payable to BAC, with Selkirk Loop 2023 noted on the check, and mailed to the BAC office at Bicycle Adventure Club, PO Box 23998, San Diego, CA  92193.

The Canadian costs are calculated at an exchange rate of $1 Canadian = $0.85  US. The budget has been estimated with the expectation that increased cost of gasoline and vehicle rentals as well as other items will result in increased costs. As always, any unused funds will be refunded to riders after the tour is completed and if we have over-estimated cost increase, refunds will reflect this.

SINGLES & SOLOS:  It is recommended that singles who want a roommate try to find their own. A single without a roommate will be placed on the waitlist until a roommate is identified.  The leader will notify single individuals of other singles looking for a roommate.   If a single is willing to pay the solo supplement, they may pay the deposit and be placed on the confirmed participants list and continue to seek a roommate, but must plan to participate without a roommate if necessary. We can accommodate up to four solos (persons who want their own room).  Solos will have a mandatory room-mate of the same gender one night in Ione.  The solo supplement only covers the cost of the room which is the major part of our budget.  If hotel costs are lower than budgeted, any excess in solo supplement will be refunded.  Solo supplement is $1375 and while this seems high, this is based only on hotel costs.  Solo supplement payments need to be sent to the BAC office by Feb 1, 2023.  Checks should be made out to “BAC” with a notation of the tour name included on the check. They should be mailed to: Bicycle Adventure Club, PO Box 23998, San Diego, CA 92193. 

As stated above, solos will have one night in Ione where they will share a room with another solo of the same gender.

CANCELLATION POLICY:  The BAC Ride Registration Fee and Payment Processing Fees are not refundable unless the entire tour is canceled because the number of participants registered is less than the minimum established for the tour. Refunds of tour payments will depend upon whether a replacement rider signs up, and on costs that can be recouped. The amount refunded will be based on the principle that the tour’s remaining participants will not incur any additional cost as a result of cancellations. If the canceling participant is replaced, a refund will be made at that time. If the canceling participant can't be replaced, any refund will be determined after the ride and final expense report are completed. If a single participant cancels and another roommate cannot be found, in addition to other costs that cannot be recouped the canceling roommate may also be liable for the solo supplement fee of the roommate remaining on the tour. BAC encourages members to purchase trip cancellation insurance. 

RIDE PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITY: Please remember that BAC Ride Leaders are volunteers, and that successful tours depend on participants providing much of their own support. Participants are expected to come to the ride well trained, in good health and ready to accomplish the required daily riding using well-maintained bicycles. All participants should accept responsibility for a safe and enjoyable tour. We encourage you to read the ride description carefully and respond to requests from the Ride Leader. While on the ride, support your Ride Leader with offers to help with various tasks such as happy hour preparation and cleanup. Please do not interfere with the ride by inviting non-participants onto any portion of the ride or tour. Please keep the Ride Leader informed of any special request you might have and respect the Ride Leader’s decisions. 

Both of the following Insurance Advisories are in effect for this tour, because travel is within the USA and also out of the USA. Depending on where you are should you have an incident, will determine which insurance policy is in effect. 

Insurance Advisory – USA Tours

Before participating in any BAC tour, you should assess whether your medical and travel insurance coverage is sufficient. BAC maintains insurance that covers expenses related to accidents. This coverage applies when touring inside the US, regardless of your nationality. It’s assumed that members’ personal insurance will cover medical emergencies such as sudden and unexpected sickness, so these have not been included in the BAC policy. You may want to consider personal coverage for emergency evacuation, as this is not included. The costs of treatment or quarantine for Covid and other unexpected illnesses are not covered. You should ensure that your vaccinations are up to date.

Insurance Advisory – Outside USA Tours 

Before participating in any BAC tour, you should assess whether your medical and travel insurance coverage is sufficient. BAC maintains insurance that covers expenses related to accidents, medical emergencies such as sudden and unexpected sickness, and repatriation. This coverage applies when touring outside the US, regardless of your nationality. It will cover you door-to-door for a maximum of 90 days but will expire if you make a side trip not related to the BAC tour for more than 7 days before or after. There is limited coverage for a family member to join a covered person in an emergency. The policy covers the cost of treatment for Covid and other unexpected illnesses, but not quarantine. You should ensure that your vaccinations are up to date

SIGN UP:   To register for this ride, use the sign-up links just above the Ride Description. After preliminary acceptance, you will be moved to the pending list and receive an email requesting you to go back to the BAC site to digitally accept the terms of the Release of Liability (ROL), and pay the non-refundable BAC Ride Registration Fee and Tour Deposit by credit card. As soon as your deposit has been processed, your name(s) will be added to the Participant List. BAC members with questions may contact the Ride Director by "clicking" the name at the top of this Ride Description. 

Bicycle Adventure Club
PO BOX 23998 San Diego, CA 92193
Telephone (858) 715-9510

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