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Andalucia and White Villages

  • Arrival
  • 4/20/2024
  • Departure
  • 5/5/2024
  • Ride Coordinator
  • Claude Monnier
  • Tour Company
  • Iberocycle
  • Starting Location
  • Granada, Spain
  • Finishing Location
  • Malaga, Spain
  • Estimated Cost †
  • $3900
  • Deposit
  • $2000
  • Number of Riders
  • 23 (min. 11 /max. 26)
  • Space Available
  • 3
  • No. of Pending Riders
  • 0

Ride Rating

3B  Warning - Read the Description Carefully

Sorry, no map available.

† Explanation of BAC Ride Fee – This fee is not included in the Estimated Cost and is non-refundable once submitted. The Ride Fee for US and Canada is $85 and $100 for all other countries, both are per participant.

Ride Description


The beautiful region of Andalucía in southern Spain is known for its Moorish architecture and history, white hilltop villages, flamenco, oranges, and olive groves. Seven hundred years of Moorish rule is a legacy that shows in its architecture, including such landmarks as the Alcázar castle in Seville as well as Córdoba’s Mezquita Mosque-Cathedral and Granada’s Alhambra palace. There will be an opportunity to visit all these sites during or just before the tour. We will visit two of Andalucía’s most famous cities, Granada and Córdoba. An optional trip to Seville via high-speed train will be available on a rest day. Our ride to Posada del Conde is a fairly short one and will afford us an optional opportunity to hike the dramatic Caminito del Rey after the ride. Our cycling will take us past small “pueblos blancos” - white villages perched on hilltops, limestone mountains, vineyards, olive groves, and Mediterranean coastline. And our April tour dates should provide us with warm temperatures and hopefully, spring wildflowers. For the 2024 version, we incorporated an additional day allowing us to shorten one of the longer days.  This tour will be supported by Iberocycle.


The tour is rated 3B, based on an average distance of 40 miles per day and an average elevation gain of 3100 feet for the twelve mandatory ride days. Three days have climbing outside of the “3” rating and three days are outside of the “B” rating at just over 50 miles. These days are 3, 6, 7, 9 and 15 (see itinerary below). Several days have alternate routes for riders wanting longer rides and there are optional routes on non-mandatory riding days. Routes are on paved roads in good condition and most have little traffic. Overall, this is a somewhat hilly ride and best suited to riders who aren’t intimidated by climbs. While Iberocycle will transfer luggage and be available for emergency support due to injury, illness or major mechanical problems, it is expected that riders will cycle the entire ride. BAC tours are designed for serious cyclists who are able to ride independently.

ITINERARY - Starts April 20, 2024

Day 1 – Granada - orientation meeting at 6:30 PM at Hotel Alixares

Day 2 – Granada to Montefrio - 41 miles, 2625 feet

Day 3 – Montefrio to Zuheros - 45 miles, 4350 feet

Day 4 – Zuheros to Cordoba - 49 miles, 2610 feet

Day 5 – Option Day: loop ride 23 miles, 2280 feet and/or tour Cordoba, or train to Seville

Day 6 – Cordoba to Cabra - 52 miles, 4185 feet

Day 7 – Cabra to Antequera - 51 miles, 3305 feet or 64 miles, 3700 feet

Day 8 – Antequera to La Posada del Conde - 26 miles, 2130 feet. Opportunity to hike the         

                                 Caminito del Rey after ride

Day 9 – La Posada to Ronda - 35 miles, 4370 feet

Day 10 – Option Day: loop ride 30 miles, 3845 feet and/or tour Ronda or Cueva de la Pieta

Day 11– Ronda to Grazalema - 23 miles, 2260 feet, or 35 miles, 3830 feet. Optional Puerto de las Palomas extension – out & back or loop

Day 12 – Grazalema to Arcos de la Frontera - 41 miles, 3480 feet.

Day 13 – Arcos de la Frontera to Medina Sidonia - 48.5 miles, 3478 feet or 50 miles, 2950 feet

Day 14 - Medina Sidonia to Vejer de la Frontera - 22.4 miles, 1340 feet.

Day 15 – Vejer to Tarifa - 52 miles, 3219 feet.

Day 16 – Bus transfer to Malaga and disband.

TOTAL: 486 miles, 37295 feet


The average high temperature in late April and early May is 75 degrees F and the average low is 51 degrees F. Please note that temperatures in this region can sometimes reach into the high 80s. Be prepared for cool to very warm riding temperatures and possible rain showers.

Health and Safety: Vaccinations for Covid are recommended, but not required.

Participants are expected to come to the tour in good health and ready to ride. Prior to the final payment for the tour, an infectious disease plan will be developed and communicated. The plan will identify possible actions for dealing with persons with an infectious disease on the tour that could affect their ability to ride or the health of others in the group. The plan will include items such as isolation protocols, testing, masking, distancing, and leaving the tour.


Hotels are 3 and 4 star level. 15 breakfasts and 7 group dinners, as well as 13 happy hours with snacks and drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are included in the price. Note that there are no happy hours on the second night in Ronda and Cordoba. Vegetarian options are available at most dinners. It should be noted that the group dinners will be at the usual Spanish dinner time of approximately 8 pm.


The tour starts in Granada with an afternoon meeting on April 20, 2024. Our last riding day is May 4 ending in Tarifa at La Residencia Hotel, where we pack the bikes. The tour ends in Malaga after a bus transfer from Tarifa on May 5, 2024, arriving in Malaga mid-afternoon. The major international airport in Andalucía is Malaga – Costa del Sol (AGP). There is an airport near Granada. Malaga airport to Granada is about 85 miles. Public transportation to Granada is available from the Malaga airport. At the end of the tour in Tarifa, it is possible to take a train from Tarifa to Madrid instead of the transfer to Malaga (but cost of transfer is included in the tour and will not be refunded).

Iberocycle has scouted all rides, done all the routing, made all hotel and group dinner arrangements, and will provide emergency sag service. If you would like to stay in Granada a day or two before the tour starts, make hotel arrangements through Iberocycle at in order to get our group rate. For riders who want a night in Malaga before heading to the airport or train station, an optional extra night in Malaga is also available at a group rate through Iberocycle. Cost for any "extra nights" will be paid by individual riders, not by Iberocycle.

E-bikes are allowed on a case by case basis - contact ride leader prior to signing up for the ride. Bike rentals are available through Iberocycle ( Iberocycle has Cube Carbon Road Bikes, Hybrid Bikes or E-bike rentals at extra charge if you prefer not to bring your own. Garmin bicycle computers will also be available to rent through Iberocycle for a fee. No tandem rentals.  Bike boxes for those who bring their own bikes will be stored and transported by Iberocycle. Maps and cue sheets will be provided at the initial meeting. GPS links will be available on ride leader docs to download to your device prior to the start of the trip.


The tour cost of $3900 per person is based on a currency exchange rate of 1 Euro equals 1.17 USD. Depending on currency exchange rates, there may be an adjustment in the amount of the final payment. The tour cost includes: 15 nights lodging with full breakfast; 13 BAC social hours (not second nights) with beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and snacks; 7 group dinners; luggage van & emergency sag support; storage of bike boxes; maps, cue sheets and GPS files; ride leader expenses; and a 3.5% contingency in the event of unanticipated expenses or emergencies. It does not include lunches or beverages with dinner or airfare.


A number of solo supplements are available at $775. It is recommended that a single who wants a roommate try to find their own. After receipt of the initial deposit, a single without a roommate will be placed on the ride and given until Nov 1, 2023, to find a roommate. If you are unable to find a roommate, you will have the option to receive a full refund (minus the BAC fee and payment processing fee) or pay the solo supplement and stay on the ride. If a single pays the supplement, they may continue to seek a roommate, but must plan to participate without a roommate if necessary. The Ride Coordinator will assist by attempting to match singles that apply for the ride. Solo supplement payments need to be sent to the BAC office and are due by Nov 1, 2023. Checks should be made out to “BAC” with a notation of the tour name included on the check. They should be mailed to: Bicycle Adventure Club, PO Box 23998, San Diego, CA 92193.

ETIAS Pre Screening

Effective May 2023 travellers to Europe must complete the new mandatory pre-screening security questionnaire ETIAS. Without ETIAS approval, travellers from the US, Canada, and many other countries will not be able to book travel into Europe. The program will have a 180-day introductory grace period but will be mandatory by 2024. Approvals can be issued quickly and once issued are valid for 3 years. ETIAS applications can be completed online here:


The BAC ride registration fee and payment processing fee is not refundable unless the entire tour is canceled due to participation below stated minimum requirements. Refunds of tour payments will depend upon whether a replacement rider signs up, and on costs that can be recouped. The amount refunded will be based on the principle that the tour’s remaining participants will not incur any additional cost as a result of cancellations. If the canceling participant is replaced, a refund will be made at that time. If the canceling participant can't be replaced, any refund will be determined after the ride and final expense report are completed. If a single participant cancels and another roommate cannot be found, in addition to other costs that cannot be recouped the canceling roommate may also be liable for the solo supplement fee of the roommate remaining on the tour. BAC encourages members to purchase trip cancellation insurance.


Please remember that BAC Ride Leaders are volunteers, and that successful tours depend on participants providing much of their own support. Participants are expected to come to the ride well trained, in good health and ready to accomplish the required daily riding using well-maintained bicycles. All participants should accept responsibility for a safe and enjoyable tour. We encourage you to read the ride description carefully and respond to requests from Ride Leader. While on the ride, support your Ride Leader with offers to help with various tasks such as happy hour preparation and clean-up. Please do not interfere with the ride by inviting non-participants onto any portion of the ride or tour. Please keep the Ride Leader informed of any special request you may have and respect the Ride Leader’s decisions.

Before participating in any BAC tour, members should review their medical coverage and assess whether what you have is sufficient. If it isn’t, you should purchase additional travel medical coverage. BAC maintains a policy that provides coverage for expenses related to medical emergencies and repatriation when members are on tours outside the US and their home country. The policy ceases to be applicable if a member makes a personal deviation (e.g., makes a side trip not related to the planned BAC tour), has limits on expenses covered for family members and only applies for 45 days following departure from home. None of the policies maintained by BAC will cover costs associated with self-quarantines that may be government mandated. Members should also ensure that vaccinations are up to date (e.g., annual influenza, tetanus, etc.). If traveling outside your home country, you may wish to consult with a travel physician or nurse to ensure that the appropriate vaccinations are up to date.


To submit a request to join this ride use the "links" displayed above this Ride Description. When you are accepted, the Ride Leader will move you from the Wait list to the Pending List. At this time you will receive an email notification to login to the BAC website to sign the release of liability form and pay the non-refundable BAC ride registration and credit card processing fees and the initial tour deposit $2000 by credit card. The final payment of $1900 is due on Nov 1, 2023. As soon as your deposit has been processed, your name(s) will be added to the Participant List. To contact the Ride Leader, "click" the name at the top of this Ride Description.

Bicycle Adventure Club
PO BOX 23998 San Diego, CA 92193
Telephone (858) 715-9510

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