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Madagascar-Cycling the 8th Continent

July 31st to August 14th

Ride Coordinator: Marita Moberg
Report by: Pamela Kelly

This is a unique riding experience mixed with wonderful exposure to Madagascar culture, customs and tribal life.  Then there was the wildlife: lemurs, mongooses, fossas, giant jumping rats and unusual chameleons and lizards and insects.  The bicycling was along limited Madagascar roads and some off-road trails which was both challenging and rewarding. There was a mix of mostly slow inclines and exhilarating downhill stretches through the mountainous areas to the rainforests and through village tribes. The stunning views included terraced rice patties and granite and sandstone mountain ranges. The ride included bountiful roadside picnic lunches and every third day was a hike (not a bike) day.  There were more than adequate number of break and water stations. Due to the terrain, mountain bicycles were used and there was more than adequate mechanical support.  Visits to Ranomafana National Park, Sahambavy Tea Plantation, Camp Catta, Indian Ocean Beaches were highlights. Local guides added to the experience by sharing history and customs with the group.  This was truly a trip of a lifetime!            

Bicycle Adventure Club
PO BOX 23998 San Diego, CA 92193
Telephone (858) 715-9510

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