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June Journey on the Loire 2019

June 7th to June 20th

Ride Coordinator: Jane Holahan
Report by: Bettina Brander

“Journey on the Loire”

As I am sitting here watching the Tour De France, I am reminded that I need to write a “Tripper”, about my “Journey on the Loire”. This was my first BAC ride, what a great introduction to BAC. This is hopefully not my last.

First thanks to Jane and Malik for making these two weeks wonderful and memorable. 22 of us gathered in les Tour, starting as strangers we quickly knew that we were kindred spirits, sharing stories of all the BAC trips that many of the riders have been on. We made friendships’ and connections that will last well beyond the end of the ride.

After meeting everyone, enjoying our first (wonderful) dinner together and staying in a beautiful chateau, I knew that I was in for a treat. Starting in les Tours, we traveled to our end city of La Baule on the Atlantic Ocean. The journey was beyond expectations. It was everything I could have imagined about France. It was a postcard picture around every corner. Upon leaving les Tours we were on beautiful country roads.

Our route included towns with historic centers, made up of narrow, windy streets where we could wander to our hearts content. Ancient castles, chateaus and churches were plentiful. We were able to visit some and see the beautiful interiors and gardens. Actually, the gardens were the things that impressed me the most.

There were flowers everywhere, in every nook and cranny there were flowers growing. It was also fun and lovely following the Loire River.

For history buffs, there was plenty to see, visit and read about. This area was held by the Germans in WWII, we Americans cane to their aide by bombing the bridges on the Loire and stopping the advancement of the Germans. There was absolutely something for everyone on the ride.

The days were mostly flat, to rolling hills on lightly traveled roads (though there were some hills to keep us honest); some city streets were involved in some of our destinations.

Our days off were in cities that had plenty for us to do, if we chose not to do the optional rides. In Chinon we went to a jam tasting, mmm good. Jane and Malik planned several fun and interesting activities for us: jam tasting, tours of chateaus, boat tour with wine tasting, and happy hours.

I can’t say enough of good things about the citizens of France; I found them nice, curious, funny, courteous, and friendly. I can also say the same about my fellow BAC companions.

A GIANT thank you to Jane and Malik, you two are the best!

Au revoir, à bientôt sur la route

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